Community over competition . female photographers retreat

9 Feb 2020
Categories: personal

Freelancers, creatives… Do you ever feel alone with your challenges? Do you sometimes miss talking through plans and ideas with fellow peers in your field? Do you ever get to really play if you only work by yourself?

I’m a fan of co-working because it brings back the element of company while working (the clue is in the name, innit?!) and makes admin days less draining and hard. But sometimes even that isn’t enough. Sometimes you just gotta get out there with your colleagues/peers/fellow creatives and let your ideas go wild! I urge you, find your crowd and rent a place somewhere else for a little creative retreat – it can be far away or just an airbnb in another town 20minutes away from where you live. But meet up, talk about your plans, ideas and challenges and play as much as you can with your craft. I promise it’ll be the best thing you can do for your creativity, sanity and business!

I’m telling you this from experience. I’ve done a few versions of these get-togethers in the past – most of them were street photography trips (BarcelonaIndiaIstanbulColombia) that felt like amazing workshops. But last week I attended one of those creative retreats that was different from my previous experiences.

Organised by Marianne, a wedding photographer from London (amongst other titles), 18 female photographers made their way to an airbnb mansion between London and Brighton for 2 days of education/playtime/relaxation. A couple of days was literally all I needed (even though none of us would have minded staying longer), the take-away for me was immense. I loved every minute of the two days, I’ve made new friends, learnt a lot, took some photos and even got in front of the camera. And I have a long list of things to do to improve my business, processes and mindset. The motto for this week was definitely “community over competition”. Sometimes all you need to do is talk through things, get some validation or another pair of eyes on your plans. Let me show you what that looked like for us:

Ashdown Smashdown groupshot

This is the whole bunch of us:

photo taken by Holly Rose

preparing dinner
photographers talking business
creative talk over dinner
creative talk over dinner
 sunny day photographers shooting
portrait of Holly
Corina portrait
 Anna shooting through necklace creative portrait
portrait of Alice 70s style
photographers shooting model
Community over competition Alice and Elyse
portrait of Sam
Holly Rose self portrait by the lake
Corina and Amy playtime photography
 portrait of Elyse
Community over competition Marianne shooting Alice as bird
discussing the shots taken
Marianne shooting creative conceptual portrait
Community over competition Alice sitting for photo
portrait of Nicole
dinner time and singing
Community over competition photographers and wannabe singers

And here are some of the photos I took.

Anja by Marianne Chua

I also got to sit for Marianne for her bird-women conceptual idea. I’m a queen version of a baby bird or something like that. This is seriously the coolest photo ever taken of me!

And as I said, I got in front of a few cameras as well. Here are a few of my favourite shots:
photo taken by CorinaAnja by Corina Photography
taken by NicoleAnja by Nicole Engelmann Photography
taken by Ami aka The woman and the wolftaken by Ami The woman and the wolf

taken by Ami aka The woman and the wolfAnja by Ami The woman and the wolf

taken by Hollytaken by Holly Cade

So, go out, find your tribe and create something amazing together! I promise you will not regret it!

Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!