
Why your personality matters in business

18 Jan 2021
Categories: business

As a business or a freelancer, how important do you think is it for your audience to like you?

Or let me ask you this: How do you make a purchase? What drives your decision to buy one product over the other?

There are probably a lot of different elements that are tied to every single purchase you make. But chances are, some will be related to how much you like the look of a brand, the feeling you connect with owning a specific product or the reputation the business you hand over your hard-earned money to has based on their values and impact on the world.

bsuiness owner working on content community leader
found and shpourish community leader
headshot personality matters

What is brand personality?

Brand personality is the attribution of human characteristics to a brand or business. Personality brings a brand to life which means your audience can connect with you on a human level.

The personality that is associated with your brand doesn’t HAVE to match with yours as a person but as a freelancer or small business, you and your brand will most likely be very much the same in a lot of aspects. So use your own personality to shine and make your business relatable that way.

Three facts:

People buy from people, not from businesses.
People buy people, not products.
Purchasing behaviour is driven by emotions, not facts.


What does that mean for you as a small business?

As a small business, you’ve got a massive advantage over big corporations: you are the face of your brand. That means your customers can connect to you on a personal level because you’re you. There are so many little things you have in common with your audience and that’s what you can focus on.

In 2020, most of our lives – personal and professional – happened online, more than it ever has before. But that also brought the advantage that it was much easier to connect with people that are not in our direct vicinity and we otherwise might not have found. We got to widen our network and grow our audience. Thanks to the internet, we have the opportunity to engage and connect with so many people and use our personalities as a tool to grow our businesses.

How do you show your personality online?

Think about some of your friends and try to describe them. They could be quiet, excentric, adventurous, book worms, musical, problem solvers, great cooks, terrible bakers and lots more. All of these things are parts of their personalities and you know that because you have a relationship with them and spent time getting to know each other. You might have bonded over something you both like or dislike or a hobby or goals etc.

See where I’m going with this?

It’s the same for you as the face of your business and your audience. That’s why we are being told to create an ideal client, someone we market to, specifically based on personality traits, likes, dislikes and interests. Knowing these things, we can address them with the content and messages we put out there. However, it needs to resonate not just with your ideal client but also with you. You can’t passionately talk about something you don’t actually care about and your audience will notice.
Instead, talk about your own experiences, your values, things in your life you don’t mind sharing. People who can connect with that, will also connect with you. That’s how you build relationships and start engaging with your audience.

nutritionist headshots hove brighton branding photography
portrait of a woman in brighton headshost
working on computer in cafe freelancer business owner

Tips on how to show your personality

1. Use a photo of your face online

If I find a product or a brand, I want to know who’s behind it – unless it’s amazon or Waitrose or a big corporation like that. But I’m trying to buy from small businesses, ideally local to me instead of using big names. And that’s where showing who’s behind the name comes in handy.

Small businesses have a bigger risk of going under in an economic crisis. There’s not enough funding for everyone, restrictions make trading harder. A personal connection is what can be a massive catalyst to make sure a small business can survive hard times. Because ultimately I’m supporting a person rather than a faceless brand.

2. Make your online bio personable

This point relates to your social media bio as well as the one on your website. Don’t just tell me what you do but also what you stand for. What are your personal and professional values? What does your perfect day look like? Are you a vegan who’s aim is to live a sustainable, plastic-free life? Are you a book worm that collects stories? Do you dream of living in a camper van and be a nomad? Or are you a parent living in the middle of nowhere, homeschooling your children?

Who do you love to work with and what do your clients have in common with you? There are so many things you can build a relationship on without giving away too much of your personal life. Not everybody is comfortable to show their kids and partner online. Not everybody wants to invite strangers from the internet into their living room. But tv shows, drinks, food, books, passport stamps are super personal too and extremely relatable to those who want to connect.

3. Talk about topics your audience cares about and that are close to your own heart

This goes back to your personal and professional values. But most importantly how they connect to what your audience is looking for. If you know your ideal client, you should also know roughly what their challenges, worries and desires are. And that’s what you want to talk about.
If you do this and mean what you’re talking about, people will notice. We want to feel heard and listened to so listen to what your ideal client is saying, the questions they’re asking, the problems they have. And talk about that while being relatable and showing them that they are not alone. You understand what’s going on and you want to help them.

However, this needs to be real and honest. Your audience will notice if you fake it and all you’re after are the sales. So be honest in who you want to work with and why. What connects you to your ideal client and how can you serve them? This is how your own personality and your brand personality work together to create a business your audience will love to buy from.

Lesley Stonier in coffee shop Hove working on laptop
business owner with daughter personable

There are lots more ways to show your brand personality but I hope this gives you a little insight on how to get started.

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Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!