On my first day as a freelance photographer and filmmaker, I met at the gym/beach with Rosie to record a long portrait with her.
I know Rosie as an incredibly strong crossfitter and PT. That’s basically all I knew about her prior doing my interview with her. So having a chat about what she’s excited about and what she wanted to do as a kid, was a really great way of getting to know her a bit better. Watch the video below to find out what’s behind that beautiful face of hers:
The wind was crazy and trying to hold my monopod still for 2 minutes was quite a challenge. I hope nobody got sea sick watching the video in the end.
During the short photo session the wind was really fun though. Long hair and strong wind always works great together…

To find out more about Rosie and her PT classes, have a look at her Instagram account.
To see my whole collection of these videos, have a look at my long portrait gallery.