long portrait . Sean

25 Jun 2018
Categories: personal, portrait, video

A few months ago I discovered the Youtube channel of a photographer that seemed a bit different than others. The videos were slower and calmer, covered topics of photography with a hint of philosophy and were relatively long compared to others. But something drew me in.
The Youtuber is called Sean Tucker and he lives in London. His approach is very personal and honest which is why I loved his work so much. On top of the educational part of his work, he also an incredible photographer.

In a bold moment, I reached out to him and told him about my ‘long portraits’ and to my surprise he didn’t just like the concept, he was willing to be part of it. So I travelled to London on a Sunday to meet up with him and do my thing. All in all it took about 20minutes maybe and he was exactly how he comes across in his videos – genuine, open and approachable. I’m still amazed that he was up for being part of this series and I very much love the outcome of his video.

After we were done with the video part, I took a few portraits and off he went. I probably could have made more out of the opportunity to have a successful Youtuber in front of me but that was not what this was about. All I wanted, was to try to get a handful of photos to accompany the video and see if I manage to capture in photos what the viewer might see throughout the video. It’s your decision whether I succeeded or not…

long portrait london photographer black and white
photographer sitting and looking at camera
close-up headshot of a photographer Sean Tucker London
long portrait london Sean Tucker
long portrait of a photographer in london

All ‘long portraits’ are now also added to my portfolio. Or else, visit my vimeo to see the collection.

Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!