My favourite business books of 2023

27 Jan 2024
Categories: business

I don’t know about you but I love reading and over the past 4 years, I really fell in love with business books – something I never thought I would say.

In 2023, I wanted to read 20 books. That sounded totally doable.
Until I started reading a book that took forever and broke my flow. That’s what happened to me last year.

I made it to 10 books afterall – just about. It was a mix of fiction and non-fiction and while I didn’t read as much as I wanted, I found some real gems I want to share with you today.

So here are my top 3 business books of 2023.

My favourite business books of 2023

Email marketing that doesn’t suck – Bobby Klinck

If you run your own business, you probably know that you shouldn’t rely on social media and instead focus on email marketing. It took me years of hearing this until I gave in, signed up with an emailing software and started writing emails intermittently.

Over time, I found my groove – I now email my list weekly and usually get really good feedback (wanna join my list?).

But if you have no idea where to start, what to talk about and how to get people to open, read and reply to your emails, then I urge you to read this book!

Funnily enough, I didn’t like the author of the book. I found him a bit annoying at times. But he does know what he’s talking about. He gives really good insights and ideas on how to make people want to hear from you and how to tell great stories in your emails. And you can read lots of examples of how he does it.

See, emails are not just for selling – they’re there to build a connection and trust. Selling is a byproduct of this.
Read this book if you want to know how to write (better) emails!

Oversubscribed – Daniel Priestley

I have a Notion board to keep track of all the books I want to read and have read. No surprise there, right?! The notes I made for this book were:

“Want to know how some businesses have their customers begging to purchase their goods or services while you struggle so much? This book explains it perfectly. No all points made were new but at times a new way if delivering the message is exactly what I need to make an idea stick.

Need to read it again to make notes!”

Some businesses make selling look so easy yet for everyone else it’s the opposite. If you are in the second group, I can absolutely recommend this book!

Do penguins eat peaches – Katie Tucker

I gave this book 5 stars. I don’t rate a book 5 stars lightly!
This book is excellent. Actually, I think everyone who has customers of any kind, should read this.

In business, a lot of what we do is guess work. I know this because it’s what I do too. Occasionally I talk to clients or prospective clients about things that would help me nail my messaging but it can be scary to ask for help.

This book teaches you how to get better at that. There are tons of examples how to do market research properly and why it’s so crucial for our business. It’s super practical, it’s an easy read and a book I will come back to again and again over time, I’m sure.

My favourite business books of 2023

If you like this (very short) list of books, have a read of my previous book recommendations as well. Last year I shared my overall top 5 business books, in 2021 I reviewed all my lockdown reads of 2020 (fiction and non-fiction).

Every month, I also share things that I enjoy or find helpful with my email list occasionally there’s a book recommendation in there. If that’s something you think you’d enjoy receiving in your inbox, join my list below.

Anja Poehlmann

Brighton’s photographer and filmmaker for families and small businesses. Cultivating confidence though beautifully authentic images of the real you!